
248 - Gilad

When we were in Mississippi for my uncle's funeral, I discovered that my grandma had FitTV, so I made sure to get up in the mornings so I could work out with Gilad. I brought my Jillian dvd, but much as I like to revisit it from time to time, I'm a Gilad junkie.

As the opening credits rolled, mom looked over at the tv and said, "Now I understand why you like this show so much...":

Unfortunately you can't see all of the opening credits, but it's a lot of Gilad, with his shirt off, muscles flexing, me drooling...

So, aside from the nice looking man on the television, why do I prefer Total Body Sculpt over other exercise videos / shows?

I find Gilad to be very motivating. He tells me I'm doing excellent work and he says it a lot. He is humorous sometimes (he once calls his crew 'exorcists', he tells Kelly that her biceps look like biceps... only smaller...). And have I mentioned he's nice to look at?

When he says he wants to get his hands on my body and work me out, I giggle. When he threatens that if I'm still sitting on the couch he's going to send one of the crew to my house to motivate me, I almost take a seat just so he'll send Jim. I'd show you a picture of Jim but I can't find one.

Mostly, it's because he coaches me on proper form so that I get the most out of my workout. I feel my body changing, it doesn't hurt, but it burns. When it's over, I feel like I've accomplished something because it's not easy, but it's not Jillian or P90X hard either (I do find though, when I discuss it with my friend the P90X junkie (see Bret, you did make the blog!), some of the exercises are the same). I like that he has two women and two men working out with him, and the women are both brunettes -- and fully clothed. And Kelly's energy is contagious. I enjoy the scenery behind them, because the show is set in Hawaii. Each separate piece works for me, but as a whole it's even better. Hell, I even like the music, it's sort of a driving techno that gets stuck in my head and gets my blood pumping.

So all that... in addition to the pretty muscles in the opening credits, is why I continue to work out with Gilad.


  1. If it works for you then it's perfect...I have to say that I've seen his workout show a few times (notice I said I've seen it, but not joined in ) and it does seem to be a pretty complete workout...The burn sure does let us know we are working :)

    Glad to see you are still doing it..Kudos !

  2. My daughter has been doing the PX90 and says it's hard. So far she's hangin' in there. She does like the diet part and was surprised she was able to eat so much.

  3. The only workout videos I ever saw was Jack LaLain...and are probably too young to have ever heard of him.
    But he was good enough that little kids loved to watch him and worked out with him.

  4. You just reminded me of when I was an innocent child trying to find cartoons, flipping through UHF on my grandfather's TV, and finding TVO (Ontario's PBS) running back to back exercise shows, from the 70's no less, with these 60-ish old women in tight spandex. It disturbed me then, it disturbs me now.

  5. Seeing Gilad always reminds me of being post-partum. He's my first stop when I'm trying to lose the baby weight. I heart FitTV.

  6. That P90x scares the heck out of me.... I've only heard good things about it, but it frightens me....

  7. How much calories can a gal lose from drooling? Didn't you always want to be one of those assistants? I like the video.

  8. That's why you like him so much!!!!;) He sounds like pretty good motivation and you should definitely take advantage of it, if it helps you out!
